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The Ups and Downs of Quarantine

Riding the quarantine roller coaster is getting old. I know my situation is not terrible, but that does not mean it does not have its ups and downs. This week is a perfect example of that. Monday i had a fantastic day. I went and did some exploring at a state park: the fresh air and sunshine are major mood booster by the way. I took a short ride around the park on my bike. After that, I stopped by the grocery store. I went in with a mask and only picked up essentials. I was pleasantly surprised by how quick and easy the trip was. I came well prepared with my disinfectant wipes, and once i left the store, i had to wipe down all items that i had loaded up in my cart with a disinfectant wipe. Next, you wipe down your card and ID. All those COVID precautions, though extreme to Pre-COVID Kelcey, are going to be deemed the new normal.

Tuesday had its ups and downs. I woke up in the morning and had a great workout then I had to return a package at the post office. I got sad after leaving the post office. No one there was rude to me. The place was extremely crowded due to social distancing precautions. Not to mention, there was only one employee. The post office posted signs about how many people could be in specific parts of the office. We can’t forget that you need to wear your face mask to protect you and those around you. I sent my package and returned to my car. Next, I whipped down bank card, ID, and the book of stamps i purchased. i returned home feeling sad and depressed. i rarely have days when i feel like that.

I have been checking in with friends to see how they’ve been feeling. It turns out that many of my friends have been feeling the same way. Ups and downs are I suppose normal at this time for a lot of people. As many people know, many people have lost their job. However, some people still have a job but are very stressed out because of how pandemic climate is their working their butts off ot 200 percent. Many people are also just worried that the economic environment will cause them to lose their job. For example, they have their job, but how long can their job keep paying them with no money coming in.

Anyway, I know there are many more stressors I didn’t talk about, but that does not mean they are not there. The truth is there are a bunch of issues going on, but do your best to be kind to yourself and try to make yourself feel good. A friend of mine makes a list of ten things she is grateful for each night before she heads to bed. If you need help, talk to a friend, or a person trained in counseling that can provide you the support you need. The truth is, if you need assistance, ask for it. Another thing is that it is reasonable to have a bad day or two during this time. Reach out for help and advocate for yourself if you feel as though you are stuck during this time